The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77624   Message #1386608
Posted By: GUEST,Sleepless Dad
23-Jan-05 - 08:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Prayer request for Iraq troops and Iraqi
Subject: RE: BS: Prayer request for Iraq troops and Iraqi
So offended nameless guest. You saw the title of this thread and you opened it up anyway...

So let me guess. When you go to a party and folks are having a conversation you don't approve of - you stop everyone from talking ? Or do you just move on to the next room ?

When you walk by a church having a service do you bust in and starting yelling - "It doesn't work - you need to vote instead of pray" "Stop all of this nonsense" Or do you just walk by ?

You chose to open this thread. You could have just moved on and opened another one instead. Or started one of your own. But now we're all supposed to play by your rules ? You're how old ?