The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77636   Message #1386703
Posted By: GUEST
23-Jan-05 - 10:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: I was a witness in D.C. ...were you?
Subject: RE: BS: I was a witness in D.C. ...were you?
Counter-Inaugural's website

Also, DC IndyMedia usually has good "on the ground" reporting and photos on DC demos.

Bobert, I'm sorry you couldn't go. I was a witness, but at a distance, watching on C-SPAN and Democracy Now and stuff. But I didn't spend any money! But I did go to bed early. Just too depressing to watch it all, even from a distance. Like I said elsewhere, it looked like the coronation of a Latin American dictator.

But good on all of the folks who managed to make it to DC to protest. I know I'd have felt much more cheerful if I had been there too. Being there in spirit wasn't quite good enough for me this time around.