The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77624   Message #1386784
Posted By: GUEST
24-Jan-05 - 01:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Prayer request for Iraq troops and Iraqi
Subject: RE: BS: Prayer request for Iraq troops and Iraqi

Which part of that unequivocal statement do you not get, beardedbruce?

As to you invoking the UN, don't make me laugh. You are as anti-UN as the right wing nuts come. But when you and your Bushie boy get cornered, like you are on Iraq, you invoke the name of the UN all over the place, like it will somehow buy you time or an escape clause from having fucked up Iraq real bad.

Sorry beardedbruce, but Homey don't play dat tune either.

You were a cheerleader for this war, and now you too are knee deep in the blood of dead and disabled Americans and Iraqis.