The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77561   Message #1386853
Posted By: Malcolm Douglas
24-Jan-05 - 04:27 AM
Thread Name: England Lacks Talent
Subject: RE: England Lacks Talent
It's all rather sad, really. Leaving aside the issue of "celticness" (largely an imaginary concept in this "connection"), I'm fairly sure that an English festival organiser announcing that Scotland had no talent worth booking would immediately be denounced as racist; or as a mere idiot. I see no reason why this is any different. Some jokes are amusing, while others simply perpetuate unpleasantness.

Anyone who imagines that Scotland has more in common, musically, with Brittany or Galicia (which is "celtic" only by a pretty contrived stretch of definitions) than it does with England is someone who, frankly, doesn't know what they are talking about.

Having a foot in both camps, I find this sort of immaturity especially disappointing. It's one of those embarrassing family squabbles. There are times when even a favourite uncle needs a good kick up the arse.