The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77636   Message #1388330
Posted By: GUEST
25-Jan-05 - 03:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: I was a witness in D.C. ...were you?
Subject: RE: BS: I was a witness in D.C. ...were you?
"Right here in the middle of the stage to tell you every day the same thing..."

ain't that the truth!!

"And I'm here to piss you off..."

yet another example of the good works that MG performs daily and exhorts other to join in and forget their "anger". another breath of hot air from Martin "mr. anger management" Gibson.

No, wait, hold it, let me guess..." hey, blow me with yer cockbreath while i laugh at you, you miserable loser!!"
oh, i'm sure MG will let loose with something even more brilliant than that, don't you think?