The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77310   Message #1388631
Posted By: Little Hawk
25-Jan-05 - 08:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Iraq election unique in the extreme
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq election unique in the extreme
Most elections are basically phony these days, but in Iraq we will shortly see the phoniest one of them all. A PR exercise, nothing more. The people suffered before, they will suffer afterward, and the war will go on, and on, and the USA prepares for Blitzkrieg Number 3, the biggest and best yet...IRAN!

And it really has virtually nothing to do with Al Queda. It never did.

Like the Nazis, this world-devouring power, the USA, will finally fall under the weight of its own corruption and megalomania. But I soon and at what cost?