The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77310   Message #1388674
Posted By: Donuel
25-Jan-05 - 09:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Iraq election unique in the extreme
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq election unique in the extreme
Within one month after 9-11 I put forth my predictions of what the administration would sadly do as well as what the most intelligent course of action should be. All has come to pass from the beheadings to the expanded infamy of America throughout the world.

It has been as though the US has read the Art of War and has chosen the inferior choice time and time again.

In my brief stint with the CIA they were most enamored with my explanation of the concept that all is perception and that if the perception is repeated often enough it becomes consciously real. Well it ain't gonna work at this stage of deception anymore.

I listen to the people who live in Iraq more than I ever listen/believe the media. All opportunity of a postive outcome from the pre emptive invasion is gone. Fortunes will continue to be ripped off but the game is over and the US has lost.

This election and its spin will be a mirror of the larger failure that has been handed to even the most friendly Iraqi that at one time welcomed the planned US regieme change of Iraq.