The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77737   Message #1389795
Posted By: Joe Offer
26-Jan-05 - 09:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: This Thread Is Closed!
Subject: RE: BS: This Thread Is Closed!
We do our best not to delete* threads if they have any content that's worthwhile. There was a lot of worthwhile discussion in the "prayerful inauguration" thread, but it turned into a pissing match between two people. I closed the thread, but it's available for anybody to see (click). All closed threads are open for reading. If you see a need to continue the discussion of the inauguration, feel free to start a new thread and link to the old one. I'll even be happy to add a "continuation" link to the earlier thread.
Is that really so draconian?

Heck, I happen to agree with those who condemned Bush for using God as a PR man. I think it's sacrilegious.

-Joe Offer-

*Deleted threads are not "gone from the database forever" (but we're unlikely to undelete them). If you have a question about one, ask me - privately.