The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77737   Message #1389851
Posted By: Bill D
26-Jan-05 - 10:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: This Thread Is Closed!
Subject: RE: BS: This Thread Is Closed!
" Joe's censorious arrogance", THAT makes me giggle...You only need to be around Joe for maybe 10 minutes to realize that he is the most unlikely 'censor' you are likely to meet.

He got the job because he exercises pretty damn good judgement, and because he 'almost' has the patience of a saint.

Just be very glad that *I* don't have the job!

no, Peter, I do NOT think that Bush and his weird crew have ANY influence over this place. (You oughta come to the Getaway and meet most of the famous and near-famous from this crowd....and play some music with 'em)