The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77748   Message #1389862
Posted By: Bobert
26-Jan-05 - 10:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Popular Views of Bush' Sweepstakes...
Subject: BS: 'Popular Views of Bush' Sweepstakes...
As just any one with a brain 'round this joint knows, Amos has valiantly been pulling Bush's covers on a daily basis for some time now and, well, the thread is closing in on the big "1000" so I asked Amos if he would send a ltter of appreciatio to the 1000th person to post to this thread and he said, "Ahhhh, yeah sure, I'm tired and going to bed" which I interprted to meaning that the 100th person posting to his thread will indeed recieve a suitable fir framing letter of appreciation from Amos... So, kids. lets get busy...

Oh, I forgot to tell ya'. Amos said that if MG pulls this heat off then rather than a letter of appreciation, Martin will be getting a "Bite Me" coupon and a gift certificate to a local lobotomy clinic...

I have discussed thus with Amos in detail and this is purdy much the deal, unless of course we gotta reload if something unexpected should occur....
