The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77748   Message #1389914
Posted By: Peace
26-Jan-05 - 11:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Popular Views of Bush' Sweepstakes...
Subject: RE: BS: 'Popular Views of Bush' Sweepstakes...
I am gonna say this once:

You two actually LIKE each other. If you'd both talk music and forget the politics, what a beautiful world it would be. I have sat back in awe of you both for a long time now. Never jumping in on one side or the other, because I like both of you very much--as people. I have talked with Martin on a number of occasions about politics and music. He is thoughtful and smart. Amso, you helped me with your encouragement and I'll never forget that. The specifics are not important here, but this is:

Third man in always catches the s#it when it hits the fan, but guys, we ain't never gonna have a better chance for peace than right now.

Martin, my friend, here is what Amos posted on the "Purist" thread, and I quote--well, copy and paste then add quotation marks:

Martin, I agree with you completely. Nothing irritates me more than having a good feast of spontaneous music interrupted by someone who has to have the details match their version. I understand that you were addressing a different definition of "purist" than was being used originally in this thread.
I don't understand it, and I really enjoy playing with others who feel as I do.
P'raps we should boogie down together sometime and see what comes out. You might be surprised what a good liberal can do bending them strings. LOL!:"

If that ain't an olive branch, I don't know what one is then.

Amos, you too are a friend, and I am indebted to your kindness and concern. It meant lots to me at the time and it still does.

I never miss a post by either of you guys if I can help it because I enjoy what you both have to say--except when you say it to each other. I know you two will NEVER agree about President Bush. The country is 50-50 to do with him and one would expect that people here would be too. But we have the opportunity at this time to effect change.

Martin, I have used more swear words than you and my friends told me to give it up. I am trying. (Mostly it helps when I avoid the political threads. I am not suggesting you do, because I know you are a strong supporter of both the USA and its elected President.)

Amos, this is not a marriage ceremony. I am just hoping that you and Martin could agree to disagree, shake hands (not hug) and then I can read either of your posts without worrying I am going to see people I like going at each other.

Third man in always catches the s#it when it hits the fan, but guys, we ain't never gonna have a better chance for peace than right now.

What do you two say to that?