The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77737   Message #1390012
Posted By: GUEST,The Shambles
27-Jan-05 - 02:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: This Thread Is Closed!
Subject: RE: BS: This Thread Is Closed!
Joe at least has the courage to use his own name and to stand by his actions - a aspect seemingly valued by many members who think that posts from nameless 'guests' are cowardly. Perhaps the identities and unknown number of our other nameless judges can be subject to the same yardstick?

This day celebrates - (if that is the right word) - the needless misery that resulted when people were lead to place their trust in those fine folk who told them that the forcible withdrawing other people's freedoms - was a neccessary and a good idea......Some of the intial supporters of this madness - were themselves later subject to it. But by it was then too late................

The fact that one volunteers to judge others and take action based on this judgement - should automatically exclude them from doing it.