The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77749   Message #1390299
Posted By: Amos
27-Jan-05 - 01:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Challenge to the whiners
Subject: RE: BS: Challenge to the whiners
Jim Tailor:

I am afraid you've built a generalized impression of the American left that does not match up with my experience at all, is generally condescending and inacccurate.

What possible logic is there in asserting someone must agree with something by Shaw just because they posted it? IF you look at the ocntext, Piers -- defending socialism, I think -- does not in fact agree with the sentiment.

This country is -- or at least was -- superior in many ways to many others because of its trailblazing establishment of respect and tolerance as a national value, and its position that basic human liberties and rights were mandatory. That respect for basic liberties and rights is what DEFINES liberalism, not all this other flotsam and jetsam that your madcap columnists like to attach to the word.

It has also, communally, overcome some terrific obstancle and acheived some amazing goals, well worth celebrating, and outstanding among nations in many respects. The key leverage we provided in the second WW is especially vivid to me, as is the accomplishment of reaching the moon, for two examples.

Why should you try, however, to ignore the dark side of your own country?If you don't confront the real flaws at the same time as the pluses, how could you possibly move forward?

As an example, if we were to elect a nutcase as a leader, and realized it afterwards, should we not own up to that fact?