The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73621   Message #1391198
Posted By: Vixen
28-Jan-05 - 09:23 AM
Thread Name: Gig wear
Subject: RE: Gig wear
Dear Two-Eyes--

Let your wife know you hear her anguish. She wants to look her very best for the performance. Let her know she is beautiful regardless of what she wears, that her music is phenomenal no matter how it is clothed. Then, with "big boots and cords" in mind--help her find a top she likes to wear. The other acts will wear what they will, and play what they play, but she should feel confident, comfortable, and stunning on stage!

Just my $0.02, fwiw, your mileage (and hers) may vary!

V (who wears flannel with big boots and cords... when that's the kind of music I'm playing!)