The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77771   Message #1391558
Posted By: Peace
28-Jan-05 - 02:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Religious Left
Subject: RE: BS: The Religious Left

You are a gentleman and a scholar. Thank you. Very classy.

"I think I understand what you're saying -- from my point of view, I feel that the reason why I'm posting as I am is not because of a sense of superiority -- rather, I think it stems from the inherent obstacle of addressing a large group of people who have developed a VERY strong, somewhat complex, interconnected and overwhelmingly majority "liberal-like" belief system (just like any other closed community might develop)-- one that has grown its own legs and is actually even a bit different from the run-of-the-mill liberal POV observable in today's politics (outside the mudcat)."

This place is--let me explain it this way. I started a thread one day. It was entitled "!". That's it. No explanation, no NOTHin'. Within a few days it had wandered through humour, angst, philosophy, slaggin', shaggin' and politics. There is NO way to get a handle on the folks here and the group dynamics change weekly. The two subjects that can become nasty and sometimes do are politics and religion. The people here will debate ANYthing. You tell on a thread here that people fart more after picked eggs and lager, withing ten minutes, tops, someone will elaborately support that or come crashing in with the documented proof that yer fulla what causes the fart in the first place. Sometimes ya jus' gotta sit back. I think you're a pretty cool arguer, so if I have ticked you off at all, sorry. I know how to be a pain at times. Just so you know, so do you. LOL


Bruce M