The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9608   Message #139205
Posted By: Reiver 2
21-Nov-99 - 02:12 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Ballad of Glencoe / Massacre of Glencoe
Subject: RE: Ballad of Glencoe
I posted this earlier in connection with another thread entirely, but it belongs here.

Probably the stupidest and most embarrassing thing I've ever done in my life was to play a tape of "The Massacre of Glencoe" for a neighbor up in British Columbia, who invited me to visit and play some of my collection of Scottish songs. Unthinkingly, I played that song after my host had plied me with a glass of Scotch whisky and a beer "chaser". The family's name was Campbell! I was fortunate to get out of there alive! I wish my host could realize how much I've regretted my stupidity, discourtesy and disrespect ever since. I still feel an acute embarrassment whenever I think of it.