The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15479   Message #139231
Posted By: kendall
21-Nov-99 - 04:13 PM
Thread Name: Favorite Limerick [2]
Subject: RE: Favorite Limerick
there was a young girl named Heather, who's pussy was made out of leather..she attracted the boys by making a noise from rubbing it's edges together. There once was a heathen Chinee who humped an ape in a tree, the result was quite horrid, all ass, no forhead, three balls and a purple gotee. and one I guarantee you have never heard.. there once was an aging folksinger, who caught his dick in a wringer, said he "It's no trouble, I"ll simply redouble my efforts with tongue and with finger." the way I first heard the first one was.. a mathematician named Hall, and a hexahedronical ball, the cube of its weight, plus his pecker, times eight, was four fifths of five eights of fuck all.