The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9608   Message #139270
Posted By: Micca
21-Nov-99 - 06:26 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Ballad of Glencoe / Massacre of Glencoe
Subject: RE: Ballad of Glencoe
I think (speaking as a quasi impartial, my clan the McLaines of Lochbuidhefought both sides at different times)that what offended most and why this event is so long remembered was purely for the violation of hospitality. All sides in the Highlands killed their enemies with equal savagery, but crucially they didn'twhile guests in the house. Even now in the Highlands you will be offered a lift on the road if you are walking or offered a "strupach" ( a cup of tea and a scone (rhymes with cone not skon you damned sassenachs) without your name being asked