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Thread #77851   Message #1392879
Posted By: Little Hawk
29-Jan-05 - 10:46 PM
Thread Name: Virgin All Time Top 1000 Albums ('98)
Subject: BS: Virgin All Time Top 1000 Albums ('98)
Was visiting my pal, "Johnny Death", and saw this book published in 1998 which took votes from people all over the World for the top 1000 albums of all time (in their opinion). It combined the votes of the ordinary public, the music industry, and the critics...over 200,000 votes cast, and the results make for interesting reading.

Here are the top 10:

#1 Revolver - The Beatles
#2 Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band - The Beatles
#3 The White Album - The Beatles
#4 Nevermind - Nirvana
#5 Abbey Road - The Beatles
#6 Pet Sounds - The Beach Boys
#7 Automatic for the People - R.E.M.
#8 The Dark Side of the Moon - Pink Floyd
#9 (What's the Story)Morning Glory? - Oasis
#10 The Bends - Radiohead

Remember, the votes were polled in the mid-to-late 90's...

Lest you think that the Beatles have scooped it all, other very heavy hitters in the top 1000 are...

Bob Dylan
David Bowie
Van Morrison
The Rolling Stones

And from there it jumps all over the a great many fine singers and bands, and a few that will surprise you, I'm sure.

The only musicians whose absence really jumps out for me, in that they receive no mention whatsoever in the entire book are:

Buffy Sainte-Marie
Ian & Sylvia
Al Stewart

I regard all of them as brilliant, but apparently the World in general couldn't care less about them any more, according to how people voted.

I found the book interesting, and have discovered numerous albums/artists to check out that I haven't really heard yet, like...

Marvin Gaye
The Velvet Underground
Elvis Costello

Because the votes were tabulated in the 90's, many top bands of the 90's and late 80's scored high. Their scores will mostly dwindle with time. This survey is done on a regular basis, I think about every 5 or 10 years.

Bob Dylan ranks as the most influential single individual, according to the many stats they took in, but the Beatles rank as the most influential act of any kind...way ahead of any other. David Bowie ranks very high also. Elvis is steadily fading, as is Sinatra.

There are some oddball stats at the back of the book, including the 5 WORST albums of ALL TIME, chosen by the author!!!!!

And they are............

Lord Sutch and his Heavy Friends - Screaming Lord Sutch
Metal Machine Music - Lou Reed
Having Fun With Elvis On Stage - Elvis Presley
The Transformed Man - William Shatner
Initiation - Todd Rundgren

To quote the author: "There is no glimmer of hope or merit in these 5 albums. The first four are absolutely diabolical. The fifth was chosen by my research editor, Nic Oliver. Let's hope it's as bad as he says it is."

Ha! Ha! Ha! I am SO happy that William Shatner made the list of "worst 5 albums of ALL time". It makes me feel warm all over.

(Please note that both Lou Reed and Elvis also have some heavy hitters amongst the best 1000 albums! I cannot say the same for the tragically misunderstood, yet brilliant William Shatner...) (snicker!)