The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77921   Message #1394734
Posted By: Bee-dubya-ell
31-Jan-05 - 04:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: How Many Spatulas Do YOU Own???
Subject: BS: How Many Spatulas Do YOU Own???
I don't think this question's been asked here before. Sure, there've been lots of "How Many" threads: Guitars (I have 14), Banjos (I have 4), Accordions ( I have 0, thank God). There might even have been a "How Many Chainsaws..." thread (I have 3), but never "How Many Spatulas..."

Now, don't tell me I'm the first Mudcatter to ponder this matter. Lots of you guys have probably wondered the very same thing before and just haven't been able to muster up the courage to start a thread. Well, here's your chance and I've already done all the hard work for ya! All you have to do is answer the question!

Well, I am the proud owner of no less than eleven spatulas! That's four of the type that are sometimes referred to as "pancake turners", two long-handled jobbies for barbecuing (that I never use since I never barbecue), four of the type used to get brownie batter out of the mixing bowl (or to get the last bit of mayo out of a jar), and one weird-ass thing that I only call a spatula because I have no idea what it's for but it looks sorta spatula-ish. I'm pretty sure it's not a knife or an eggbeater.

So there! Hah! Top that!