The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77851   Message #1394837
Posted By: Little Hawk
31-Jan-05 - 05:57 PM
Thread Name: Virgin All Time Top 1000 Albums ('98)
Subject: RE: Virgin All Time Top 1000 Albums ('98)
I'm gonna do a top 10 list, then. And I'll try to spread it around some to be fair...

1 - Blood On The Tracks (Dylan)
2 - Revolver (Beatles)
3 - Blonde on Blonde (Dylan)
4 - Joshua Tree (U2)
5 - Astral Weeks (Van Morrison)
6 - Blue (Joni Mitchell)
7 - Abbey Road (Beatles)
8 - Excitable Boy (Warren Zevon)
9 - Exile on Main Street (Rolling Stones)
10 - Dark Side of the Moon (Pink Floyd)

Sorry for putting Dylan and the Beatles in twice...but I couldn't see how not to. As for Pink Floyd, I don't really like them much, but I have to admit that album is a masterpiece. So is Warren Zevon's "Excitable Boy".