The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77879   Message #1394933
Posted By: Richard Bridge
31-Jan-05 - 07:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Censorship on Mudcat
Subject: RE: BS: Censorship on Mudcat
I think it might sometimes improve the tone if the true names and addresses of those who set out to be offensive (guess who I nominate) were published.

I really (sometimes) would like to know what makes some of the offenders tick.

Speaking as one of the earlier offenders, with a thread a long time back called "Has Gargoyle got piles?" - I don't care if he has piles, I just wanted to know why sometimes he can be a rational and constructive individual and sometimes quite - well, you know.

As John Barden (or was it Dave Bryant?) said some time ago - we use our real names, and you can easily trace us. We accept responsibiity for waht we say.