The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77949   Message #1395480
Posted By: belfast
01-Feb-05 - 08:01 AM
Thread Name: Review:Irish folk, trad and blues:a secret history
Subject: Review: Irish folk, trad and blues: a secret hi
"Irish folk, trad and blues: a secret history"

I've recently come across a book that might be of interest to one or two of you.
"Irish folk, trad and blues: a secret history" by Colin Harper and Trevor Hodgett.
The Collins Press.

The title is somewhat m;isleading. It's not an academic book by any means and there is little analysis. In fact it's really a collection of journalistic pieces with prologues and … postlogues, I suppose. I mean epilogues. Gossip with pretensions, you might say.

What is does have is a long piece (originally published in Mojo) on Anne Briggs which has been mentioned in other threads. And some good stuff on the tangled origins and history of Sweeney's Men.

This book largely ignores the highways and looks at some really obscure byways. There is a lot of stuff in here that you will never ever want to know. But there is also some good stuff like, say, a piece about Davy Graham. And you'll wonder what the hell it's doing in this particular book.