The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15522   Message #139549
Posted By: MMario
22-Nov-99 - 12:12 PM
Thread Name: Watching grass grow
Subject: RE: Watching grass grow
I find it sad that some people find interacting with other people to be boring. I find it even dadder that they seem to take some kind of perverse pleasure in informing other people of that fact. On the other hand, it must be SO much less bother for them to look something up in a database, where you don't have to bother with any kind of social nicety, or actually involve oneself with anyone else, especially those people who are contributing (or trying to contribute) to that database. In fact, one can even download the database, then have to undergo *shudder* the boring human contact only every six months or so in order to remain current.

offense intended.