The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3476   Message #1395944
Posted By: yrlancslad
01-Feb-05 - 03:08 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Farewell He/She? (Adieu to Dark Weather)
Subject: ADD Version: Farewell She

Fare thee well cold winter and fare thee well cold frost
nothing have I gained but my true love I've lost
I will drink and I'll be merry when good fortune I do see
I willrest when I am weary, let her go farewell she

Last night I saw my truelove laid down in yonder grove
She smiled as I passed by and a blush came from my love
And she thought I should have spoken to her as I passed by
But before I"ll humble to my love I"ll lay me down and die

Take half a pound of reason one quarter pound of sense
One small sprig of thyme and a little of prudence
Put them all together and you will plainly see
She's a false hearted lover let her go farewell she

Repeat 1st verse

I know this looks a lot like All around my hat but its the best version I've come up with for a male singer