The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15538   Message #139747
Posted By: katlaughing
22-Nov-99 - 08:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Healing Circle & Musical Society
Subject: Mudcat Healing Circle & Musical Society
Snowed off the roads, here I sit, waiting for the morn to come with clear roads. In the meantime, I'd meant to start this earlier and forgot until Micca left a reminder in the Sally's better II thread.

I know we all rally round when one of us is in need, but I thought the other day, how nice it might be for some who do not want to go public or for whatever reason, if there were any or all of us who would like to be contact people for a healing circle? I know there are a few of us, in different inner circles of Cats who do this informally.

It just seems to me, we have a lot of healers on here, with music and other abilities and some who have a lot of experience, with the time needed to lend aid when requested. So I guess what I am trying to say is: how about a list of phoaks who wouldn't mind being contacted personally and/or privately for healing energy or whatever is needed, who can in turn notify others on the list who have some time to devote to specific requests? If people were interested, we could even agree to a specific time, each day, when we could concentrate together, on the list of people needing help, even if only for five minutes; a kind of group visualisation/prayer/meditation.

I think it is wonderful and fine that we do this already in the threads and I wouldn't want to limit that in anyway. I would see this as an added bennie for those who want it or those who do not want to have a thread for whatever they want help on.

In addition, I would like to see this thread add to the Music Therapy threads which expressed so profoundly the experiences of those of you who have healed with music, particularly our own Night Owl, who is back on with us now. YEA!!!

Does any of this make any sense? Thanks, luvyaKat