The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77953   Message #1398440
Posted By: Peace
03-Feb-05 - 08:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: How soon next American Civil War ?
Subject: RE: BS: How soon next American Civil War ?
America may be in the midst of one now. There seems to be a concerted effort to 'win the hearts and minds' (which I interpret to mean the "votes" (I am aware the election is over and that President Bush won)) of the American people. I expect there will be some softening of the Bush pre-election position, and I expect that both parties will give some effort to reach a greater percent of the American people. Regardless of the way anyone voted, I think all parties--and subsequently all people--will have to take a good look at the condition of the United Staes: its social programs and its war footing/mentality. The center cannot hold. The USA cannot keep spending money the way it is, because the American people are gradually becoming unwilling to see their cash wasted in that manner--that is, squandered.

The USA, IMO, is a great nation, but the philosophy that got it to greatness has to be looked at again, refreshed and reiterated. Despite one's feeling about Bush/Kerry/Nader, the problems the world faces will require American leadership, and Americans should gird themselves to be compassionate leaders. If they do not, they will face a reluctant enemy that goes beyond the Muslim world--that includes other democracies, because the bully mentality, obfuscation, BS and lies are becoming quite transparent. When a great nation's motives are not clear, people get very nervous. I don't doubt that the US could control most of the world; in fact, it does. But much of that control depends on the willing participation of allies, other countries with similar aims, and the coalition just ain't all that solid and unified right now.

If the factions could step back from the vitriol, they might find ways to work together that involve a cooperative approach to problem solving, because the "I have this stick and I will beat you with it if you don't do as I say" mentality no longer cuts it. I think over the next few years that the people of the US will have to face that. Otherwise, there likely will be a civil war that follows not party lines but poverty lines. Is is disgraceful that the richest country on Earth has homeless people, hungry people and people for whom there is either no medical care of poor medical care. Bush/Kerry/Nader should all feel terrible about that. Yes, the election is over, but the things which scar the greatest country in the world continue to exist, and that, my friend, is ugly.