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Thread #77734   Message #1398457
Posted By: dianavan
03-Feb-05 - 08:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Good News in Iraq
Subject: RE: BS: Good News in Iraq
Yes, Nerd and Wolfgang, I was technically wrong on a number of points. Basically I should have explained myself better in the first place.

Let me try to explain what seems (to me) to be emerging.

Lets call it the culture of opposition.

Fed up with religious fanatics and secular greed, the people of all three countries are struggling to find a common identity. Rather than define themselves as Iraqi, Iranian or Afghani, many are opting to call themselves Persians (regardless of nationality or religion). This is happening in Vancouver.

Whether you and I agree or not, the people of those regions, will choose to define themselves. Once away from the war torn region and mixed in with people from all over the world, it seems the term "Persian" is relatively trouble free and creates unity with others from the region.

I don't mind at all being told I'm wrong. It gives me the opportunity to define and refine what I think is good news in Iraq.

Although you and I may not approve of a Muslim Theocracy, if the people really have their say, that is what will eventually emerge (just a guess).