The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15522   Message #139891
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
23-Nov-99 - 08:24 AM
Thread Name: Watching grass grow
Subject: RE: Watching grass grow
Well, in all seriousness, there are some of us out here who only have rare and occasional access to the folk scene, I live in London, and you'd expect there to be something around wouldn't you. My nearest folk club, is 5 miles away, which, thanks to the vagaries of London Transport, makes it an hour or more travelling time. Hell, I've taken an hour to get across my own borough, a total of about 2 miles!! If I drive my car, I have to pay extortionate parking rates, if indeed I can find anywhere to park for longer than three minutes if there isn't a 'Y' in the day. I socially see, on average,the same four people each week, and I don't have work colleagues to interact with. So here I am, having social intercourse, complete with all the innuendo and hilarity that I used to have with my workmates, and it has stopped me from wanting to damage either myself or my daughter. And if it makes people feel that way, then it is a good thing. I've found the lyrics to several songs that I hadn't heard for years, and replaced one that I didn't realise I'd forgotten until a similar song was posted.

Although the conversation is not exclusively music or folk (we know both kinds here, country and western), I bet you all the chocolate in my local shop that any folk club you go to or festival you attend, will be talking about almost anything BUT music.

In the words of Billy Connolly (and at my daughters example to other naughty children) - I'd write you a letter but I couldn't spell thsssssssssssssssssssppppp!!! (raspberry noise).