The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78049   Message #1398979
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
04-Feb-05 - 11:31 AM
Thread Name: Art, Jerry and Rick
Subject: RE: Art, Jerry and Rick
Thanks, Barbara:

Now that I think of it, I am in the blessed position of having apprently heard Rick's last concert (if the Branford concert was his last,) and Art's last concert at the Cafe Carpe in Fort Atkinson. If all goes well, I hope to be around at my last concert, too.

Both Art's concert at the Cafe Carpe and Rick's were very moving. Every year when I went out to visit my family, Art and I would split an evening at the Cafe Carpe. Because Art was so beloved there, he also did concerts during the year in addition to the one we shared.
I just happened to be in Wisconsin when Art was booked to do a concert
at the Carpe, and planned on going up to be with him, not as a performer but just as another appreciative member of the audience. By then, Art's physical problems were getting so burdensome that he decided that he couldn't handle the drive, and I offered to fill in for him if Bill Camplin, who runs the Carpe let me use his guitar. That was the plan, until I got a call from Art saying that he had changed his mind and was going to try to come. And I was so glad that he did. I had heard Art many times, and sung with him even more, but that night was very special, and I will always treasure the experience. I have a wonderful photograph of Art standing in front of the Carpe, and will see if I can dig it out, e-mail it to Jeff and ask him to put it with my membership photographs. I don't know if that's allowed, but I'd like to share a couple of photos of Art. Art and I are opposite sides of the same coin. Many times, we've been the same side.

Rick's concert in Branford was very special in much the same way. I think that many people were aware that it was a hardship for Rick to travel down to Connecticut, and there was a family concern and love for him that flowed through the room. It was as much a celebration of Rick as a loving person, as it was a concert.
