The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78049   Message #1399399
Posted By: Jeri
04-Feb-05 - 05:36 PM
Thread Name: Art, Jerry and Rick
Subject: RE: Art, Jerry and Rick
I don't think the travel was hard for Rick, other than the fact he was, as far as I know, still waiting for the test results. Those test results. But he felt fine. If I'd known it would be his last concert, I would'nt have missed it. I got to see him open for Tom Paxton though, and it jes' don't get better'n that. Longer, maybe, but not better. Barbara, he PM'd me before the concert and said he was a bit stressed, because "we're staying at Frank and Barbara Shaw's and I can't remember what TOWN they live in!!"

Rick once told me he regretted not being able to travel anymore...he wanted a Maine lobster roll. I said I'd bring him one, and he said no. Gotta buy it from a guy by a pier. Gotta eat it on the pier, with the seagulls crying and the waves lapping, and the smell of rotting seaweed wafting through the air.

Every now and then, I go re-read some of his posts. He would have been happy to think he'd be 'meeting' new folks because of what he'd written. I haven't corresponded with Art or Jerry, but I enjoy reading their posts here.