The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78073   Message #1399548
Posted By: GUEST,Jon
04-Feb-05 - 07:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Homework help!
Subject: RE: BS: Homework help!
1. What theme would you like as a clock?

Don't really understand the question

2. Where would you use a clock?

Anywhere I want one. In this house, currently that is all rooms except the bathroom and there is one in an outbuilding.

3. What added components would you like?

Depends on what I want the clock for                                       . I do have a digital thing which gives date and room temp near where where I am sitting now.

4. What would you use a clock for?
d - mostly to tell the time but see 3.

5. Which type of clock do you prefer?
a. Analogue
b. digital
c. pendulum

As something to read from a glance, very much a. but again see 3. I dont get your c. maybe you mean on a mechanism for an electronic unit which may be analogue, a pendulum is added for effect?

6. What size of clock would you prefer?
a. small
b. medium
c. large

Readable from where I want to look at it and in keeping with the surroundings.

7. What style of clock do you prefer?
a. modern
b. traditional
c. unusual

Most likely b. but again see 3 and comments on 5.

8. Where would you prefer to put a clock?
a. on a wall
b. on a desk
c. on a table
d. by your bed

See 3.

9. What price range are you willing to pay for a clock?
a. £2.50-£4.00
b. £4.00-£5.50
c. £5.50-£7.00
d. £7.00+

I don't know your high end of d but depending on what was on offer, I might well consider £7 a bargain.