The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78009   Message #1399779
Posted By: Bee-dubya-ell
05-Feb-05 - 02:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: .
Subject: RE: BS: .
Rogby Union? Buncha yahoos that like to play a game with a ball. But the real object of the game is to beat the shit out of each other. Nobody gives a damn about the outcome of the game as long as there's lots of blood and a fair number of teeth knocked out. Sort of like hockey in that regard except that hockey players hit each other with sticks while a rugby player's weapon of choice seems to be his own face. Then, after the game, the teams gather together in a pub and further taunt each other by singing songs with lots of scatalogical references at each other while drinking copious quantities of intoxicants.