The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77146   Message #1399897
Posted By: susu
05-Feb-05 - 12:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: A question for Mormons
Subject: RE: BS: A question for Mormons
Okay, to all who "question my motives" I will say this, you DO NOT know me, I am not one to stir up trouble, this was a sincere inquiry and now I am sadly extremely sorry that I even posted this question. If I had wanted people to be ugly to me about my questioning the practices of the LDS church, I would have simply gone to my parents house so they could again tell me what a disappointment that I am to them because I do not share their views. I was wanting to get some other perspectives on the issue that would not lead to people making me feel bad for asking, and would give me answers that were not tainted with anger and disappointment so that I may better understand my parents and their beliefs and possibly bridge the distance and hurt feelings that they have. I have tried asking missionaries and they either do not have answers to my questions, or they seem to dance around the issues and then continually try to re-convert (for lack of a better phrase) me. The bishop at our local ward was the same way, and even my husband went to ask him questions, and he would not answer certain questions but would change the subject. I have never questioned the missionaries or the bishops motives in doing this as God, not I know their hearts and intentions. I think it is sad that I again have to expalin to someone why I do what I do. I really thought that if people read my posts that they would be able to understand them. This makes me wonder if all of you who "question my motives" are as cynical as you seem, thinking that all people who hear your beliefs and do not subscribe to them have some sort of hidden agenda. If that is the case, I feel truly sorry for you. I am not an evil person. My apologies to everyone. I will no longer post to this thread, if anyone else wants to keep it going, best of luck to you. If anyone else would like to ask me anything pm me, otherwise you will not get a response. Also, this is the end to my inquiring anything regarding the LDS church FROM ANYONE! If I meet anyone that is a member I will simply make it clear that I DO NOT wish to discuss their beliefs, I respect them, but I will not talk about them. Take care all, In Christs' Love Susanne