The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78049   Message #1400054
Posted By: Big Mick
05-Feb-05 - 03:57 PM
Thread Name: Art, Jerry and Rick
Subject: RE: Art, Jerry and Rick
This thread is about the real blessing of Mudcat. Can you imagine a Union Organizer from Michigan, bouncing around the edges of folk and Irish folk, becoming friends with folks such as these? Art has shared things with me for which I have no way to repay him, other than to say Thank You. I enjoy hearing his voice so much when I make the occasional call.

Jerry is a guy I am anxious to meet and sing with. Aside from writing some amazing songs, his heart shines right through this place. When I do finally meet him 3D, it won't be a stranger that I am meeting.

And Rick. He and I became close friends almost immdeiately. One of the treasured memories I have is when Rick was describing Mudcat and how folks are getting together. He talked about The Getaway, about different personalities, and then he turned and pointed to me and said, "And this guy and I will be friends forever". That memory makes me smile as I feel his presence even today. Sometimes when I am doing my daily practice, I hear him telling me to pick up that guitar everytime I am sitting around. I miss him so.

Yeah, jimmyt, ya done good. Wonderful thread about 3 extremely talented, and beloved musicians. More importantly, about 3 wonderful human beings.

All the best,
