The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78125   Message #1401057
Posted By: khandu
06-Feb-05 - 05:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who hasn't posted to Mother of all BS...
Subject: RE: BS: Who hasn't posted to Mother of all BS...
I have not posted to the "MOAB" thread. I prefer to keep my head "above the Line" to where really relevant threads are. Mudcat was intended to be a "music" forum, however, due to the fact that humans have gotten involve, the "BS" of humans has followed.

For years I have fought against the inanities & insanities that have pollutted this forum & have helped lower the once high standards that once were held sacred at the Cafe.

I finally won a small, but decisive, victory when I convinced (after much debate, I grant you!) the PTB to separate the BS from the worthwhile threads with a division line...Music related threads above & "BS" below, where it belongs!

Now I am on a mission (from the "BIG GUY"? Perhaps!) to see that the defiling "BS" threads are moved to a totally separate page!! Many of my Fellow Music-Loving Mudcateers have voiced via PM that they still detect the faint noxious odor or BS reeking through the Line of Separation & thereby distracting them from serious music-related study.

Pay attention, PTB...we are many yet we speak with one voice! "Separate Pages" is our chant..our vision...our quest!
