The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78125   Message #1401283
Posted By: Bee-dubya-ell
06-Feb-05 - 11:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who hasn't posted to Mother of all BS...
Subject: RE: BS: Who hasn't posted to Mother of all BS...
Kind of like a soap opera?

Yeah! That's the idea! Only funnier. And the only "person" we've gratuitously killed off has been an alien named Bubba-Bubba who looked like Heather Locklear. But it turned out he/she/it was really a giant fungus in disguise. When his/her/its visa expired and his/her/its own people, known as "Freds", tried to get him/her/it to board the spaceship for the trip home he/she/it pitched a temper tantrum and the city of Seattle was destroyed in a giant fireball. Unfortunately, before his/her/its demise he/she/it had mated in some weird ritual involving khandu, a Labrador Retriever and myself. The Lab depositted the eggs someplace in the Mojave Desert and we're waiting for them to hatch so we can see who gets hit with the paternity suit.

Yep. Sounds like a soap opera, don't it?