The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77879   Message #1401432
Posted By: GUEST,The Shambles
07-Feb-05 - 05:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: Censorship on Mudcat
Subject: RE: BS: Censorship on Mudcat
There, now, Roger, don't get your hinder in a binder. Try to think back on what it was I said about my reasons for posting editorial answers within the message that asks the question. Avoiding refreshing a contentious thread was a secondary reason, an advantageous side-effect. Can you think of the major reason I gave?
You know, if you don't pay attention, it doesn't do me any good to bother answering your questions. So, I guess I consider this issue closed. I understand what you are saying. You don't like it when I type in brown in messages. That is your preference as to what I should do in regard to this matter. I prefer to answer questions where they are asked, because it is efficient and direct and avoids confusion - and it avoids refreshing contentious threads. And since this is my action we're talking about, I think that my preference holds sway - although both our preferences may be completely valid. And whatever the case, it really isn't a big deal either way. The fate of the world does not depend on whether or where I type in brown.

-Joe Offer-

It matters little what colour these 'editorial comments' come in. My request - that has been ignored in order to present yet more 'spin' - is that in order to set a good example to others - this practive be confined to only when some editorial action has in fact taken place.

For the other advantage of this privilige given to our anonymous volunteers and in my opinion abused by them - is that having placed their so -called 'editorial' comment - if they are later not satisfied with it - they can come back and change or add to it (as was done above). Again without refreshing a thread that (in this case) was already posted to and refreshed in the conventional way.

The rest of us ordinary mortals would have to either simply accept what we had originally posted or have to post again.