The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78124   Message #1401866
Posted By: PoppaGator
07-Feb-05 - 04:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cancer invading friends
Subject: RE: BS: Cancer invading friends
A year ago today, I was just starting radiation treatment for a cancer on the right tonsil. I was very fortunate, and can live to tell about it. Seven weeks of daily radiation treatment, plus seven concurrent once-a-week low-dose chemotherapy infusions, successfully eliminated the tumor. I had been told that the treament would probably only shrink the tumor, and that surgery would be necessary to remove the remaining cancerous tissue, but no trace of the tumor remained at the end of the seven weeks, eliminating the need for surgery.

All I need to do now is recover from the radiation. That'll take another two years, but I'm pretty much back to normal now.

Some types of cancer, including mine, have become well-known to the medical community and successful treatment regimes have been developed. Sadly, other cancers remain a mystery and no one knows how to fix 'em.

Early detection and a positive attitude on the part of the patient both make a big difference. My tumor was highly visible and close to the surface (a big lump suddenly appearing on the side of my neck), so early detection was not a problem. Then, I was told that my prospects for successful treatment were very good, so it wasn't too difficult for me to keep up a good attitude.

Living through the process of treatment was somewhat arduous ~ I won't pretend otherwise. However, because I was able to realistically maintain a level of confidence about the eventual outcome, it wasn't too terribly difficult to live through. In the end, I was able to look back at the whole deal as an interesting (if intense and unpleasant) experience.

I certainly hope that the various cancers of anyone reading this, and of any of your loved ones, can be treated as successfully as mine. Please keep in mind that cancer can be beaten; every case is not an automatic death sentence. However much hope your doctors can offer you, try to keep it in mind and accentuate the positive. A hopeful and positive attitude can be an important factor in eventually achieving a positive outcome.