The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75818   Message #1402258
Posted By: Kaleea
08-Feb-05 - 02:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Animal Rights Protesters
Subject: RE: BS: Animal Rights Protesters
Shades of George Carlin:
Sometimes I wonder why protest groups are named as they are-- grammatically speaking--like "antiabortionprotesters." It really infers that they are protesting against those who are against abortion. Are the animal rights protesters protesting against the rights of animals? Which exact rights are they protesting against? The right to bear arms (in their paws) against the dogcatchers?
   I've seen animal rights protesters who wear leather. Leather earthshoes. Take leather suede "Hushpuppies" shoes. They named them after puppies cause puppies are so cute, right? So how many critters (were they puppies?) did they kill so that the animal rights protesters could wear their comfortable Hushpuppies on the march? Leather belts. Leather purses. Where do they think the leather comes from, a leather tree? And why do they get into such a lather over fur? Isn't leather the part just underneath the fur--the part that the fur used to be attached to?
   Sounds like we have some antiprotester protesters here in the 'Cat. Are any of you antiMudCat protesters? Or possibly antiMudcat Mudcat protesters? Doth youse protesters protesteth too mucheth?
   Oh yeah, and is the "old bird" they dug up related to Big Bird? (see not exactly coresponding thread re: Big Bird.)
    Cluin, did you ever get your beauty sleep?