The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78119   Message #1402343
Posted By: Brendy
08-Feb-05 - 06:11 AM
Thread Name: portaferry gathering
Subject: RE: portaferry gathering
Eric, were you the guy in the glasses with the Yam(aha), who asked me about The Tinkerman's Daughter'?.
I was talking to Giok for a bit, and John from Cornwall, who knows a friend of mine, here in Oslo..

I've a great story, though, from the road home....

I'm sitting way off in the 5th row, or something, at Gate 17 in Aldergrove airport, with the sunglasses on, so as I can doze off for a bit, un-noticed.
The Easy Jet flight to Stansted is delayed a bit, and there's loads of people milling around, getting on to their mobile phones, and stressing to their colleagues about being late for meetings, and such mundane things..

I look up at one stage, and there's this stocky bloke walking himself to the front of the queue, with guitars and luggage and things...
I was half-asleep, but one thing struck me about the guy.. He was wearing a Green, White and Gold wolly hat with GW&G braids down the side.
I said to myself, "that guy's got bollocks!... Aldergrove airport, RUC all over the place, and yer man waltzes in with his Green White & Gold 'Cyap'"
"Fair play to him" I thought

He had a nice 'girlfriend', though! And there was another slightly older guy there, with glasses on.

I've got sunglasses on, remember, so I'm watching these ones..., and the faces of the ones looking at them, and I was grinning from ear to ear at the surreallness of the situation!!!

Next thing I know, yer man's 'girlfriend' looks directly at me, and points to me, and waves.
She then nudges the fella with the 'Cyap', and points me out to him as well....

I said "Hang on.... thats RĂ³sa and Skarpi.!"
And so it was!!!!

I left my seat, and went straight up to them.


I met Helgi, then, as I didn't meet him on Saturday

... And because the ground staff were letting people on to the plane according to the boarding card numbers, we all waltzed right past the begrudging element in that little room, and off we went to claim the window seats, just behind the wings, on the right-hand side, as you're flying out.

We parted company in Stansted, as the lads went off into London for a bit, killing time while waiting for their connection.
While my Ryanair flight back to Oslo was about 3/4 of an hour in the air (we were flying up the Dutch coast), a Virgin Airways 737, travelling in the opposite direction, flew incredibly close under our wing.
And as I remember, the pilot banked upwards about 30 secs before this.

There was nowhere near 1000m clearance between those two planes...

Again, thanks for a great session on Saturday night, folks.
I was glad to meet those of you that I did get talking to, and I'll see a few of you from time to time, no doubt.
