The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78229   Message #1403247
Posted By: Rapparee
08-Feb-05 - 09:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: *Strengthening* Social Security...
Subject: RE: BS: *Strengthening* Social Security...
You want an alternative? Here's mine:

Decentralize the Federal government.

Here's how:

Spend the money to build a super information infrastructure -- we can do it, right now, it would take absolutely NO new technology. Then require that every Senator and Representative live in their state or district, telecommuting to work -- again, this would take NO new technology and is done by many people right now.

This accomplishes many things: it makes lobbying damned difficult, it puts the lawmakers back among the people they represent, it strengthens the government because Congress is spread out across the country instead of sitting on one big bulls-eye.

The Legislative Branch taken care of, at least one Department or Federal office of the Executive Branch into each state. Move the Presidency itself -- the White House -- to the town nearest the geographic center of the US, Belle Fourche, South Dakota. Leave the Judicial Branch in DC, which reverts to Maryland and houses museums, the Supreme Court, etc. and is used strictly for ceremonies.

Okay. The Congressfolk are then paid the average prevailing wage in their home district. Each year the voters of their district vote the percentage above that the Congressperson would be paid. Naturally, the governemtn picks up the office costs! And here's the kicker -- the secretaries, assistants, and so on make the same money they do now, they have the same benefits, etc. -- but they ALL must fall under Civil Service! (Congressfolk have three weeks paid vacation, the same medical benefits and other benefits as the average person in their district -- including retirement benefits.)

Costs go way, way, down. We can keep an eye on our government. Those who do the work are paid for good work. Belle Fourche, SD gets a nice shot in the economic arm.

All it would take is the will to do it. The money is not a problem.