The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78225   Message #1403339
Posted By: Kaleea
08-Feb-05 - 11:42 PM
Thread Name: UK/US notation terminology
Subject: RE: UK/US notaton terminology
It is always fun for me when Musicians of various lands get together! I just love to hear all the different ways Music can be expressed. I was recently giving my Turkish nephew a crash course in "Cowboy" songs as he loves the Music all about Cowboys. I wrote out several songs for him, and wanted to make sure that we were on the same page about how I was to notate the songs for his ease in understanding. As we were talking, I found out that the elementary schools in Turkey evidently have much better & more thorough Music Education than do our schools in the USA. This is based upon my experience as a Music Educator in American schools The standardized textbooks for Music leave alot to be desired, and "they" (the administrations) think it is more important that the kids spend more time in other activities. By the time kids get out of high school, they normally cannot remember how to read Music--if they learned it in the first place. My nephew only had regular Music classes in school & has considerable Musical knowledge. Their words for Musical concepts were very much like ours, such as for Minor, they say "mee-nor." Wow! I think I might enjoyteaching Music in Turkey!