The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78204   Message #1403342
Posted By: Rapparee
08-Feb-05 - 11:44 PM
Thread Name: Bush agenda: bankrupt U.S.
Subject: RE: Bush agenda: bankrupt U.S.
I got my credit report yesterday: I scored 794 points; the average here is 650 and the highest ever seen in this area was 850. My credit rating is excellent. I pay off my credit cards every month; the only money I owe (apart from piddling amounts for gas) is for the house and a car.

To get here my wife and I had to work at it. We did what we could to bring in more money, not reduce our income.

Yet that seems to be what the current administration is doing.

Worse, at least to my mind, they are borrowing the money they need to make up the difference between income and outgo. That money is NOT borrowed from US citizens, but from European and Asian governments and I suspect that one of these days those folks are going to want to be paid back with the promised interest.

The US dollar is not the prefered world currency anymore -- the Euro is.

I thought the label "tax and spend Liberal" was nasty, but I can only label the current administration as "borrow and spend Neo-cons." Not Conservatives -- these folks don't seem to care about a balanced budget OR a whopping national debt. Barry Goldwater is spinning in his grave, I'm sure.