The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78233   Message #1403348
Posted By: wysiwyg
09-Feb-05 - 12:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: So THAT's Why Whales Beach En Masse!
Subject: BS: So THAT's Why Whales Beach En Masse!
United Press International

The government is investigating whether Navy sonar caused 37 whales to beach themselves in North Carolina Jan. 15, the Washington Post reports.

The Navy's USS Kearsarge strike group employed a powerful sonar during an exercise Jan. 14-15. Within a day, 37 whales, mostly pilot whales, began beaching themselves along the North Carolina coast. Two other types of whales also stranded themselves, pointing the finger at the use of sonar.

A similar beaching in 2000 was linked to the Navy's use of sonar near the Bahamas.


Now I'm mad!
