The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78250   Message #1403869
Posted By: Lanfranc
09-Feb-05 - 07:07 PM
Thread Name: Hertford Mill Stream Diverted - Dam(n)!!
Subject: Hertford Mill Stream Diverted - Dam(n)!!
We'd just finished a pleasant, if more sparsely attended than the last, session at the Millstream when the Landlord sidled in and announced that we would not be able to use the room again, because they were going back to serving food every evening.

Oh for the days when pubs were pubs and restaurants were restaurants, and a crisp and curly cheese sandwich, a bag of crisps and a pickled egg was the only sustenance on offer at the bar!

However, within five minutes we had established our business continuity site, and, for the time being, future sessions will be held at Chauncey Court, Blue Coats Avenue, Hertford which is at the top of the map shown, opposite Tesco.

You can't keep us folkies down!

I will update the relevant page on my site within the next few days, and before the next session on 23rd February.
