The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78204   Message #1403926
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
09-Feb-05 - 08:09 PM
Thread Name: Bush agenda: bankrupt U.S.
Subject: RE: Bush agenda: bankrupt U.S.
Well put,Little Hawk--to Guest.

To add a little more fuel to incenerate the hypocrisy of the admistration's budgetary priorities and ideas----Think about the following:
1) There is a war on thanks to them and they want to cut VA benefits and charge a $250 fee for those above a certain income for the VA serevices---as well as raise the Rx deductible.   I guess they don't sport those "Support our Soldiers" stickers on their cars. They are smarter than that--or they would be hypocrites.
2)   They cut taxes---so the budget is in a bad state. The tax cuts benefit the wealthy (who can afford all the services being cut--med,etc;)---the service cuts that follow hurt the poor. Democracy in action---NeoCons in action.
3)   The president is on a "campaign tour" to promote his policies re: Social Security because he will have trouble peddling it to both parties in Congress----they know where their votes lie and, hopefully and doubtfully, the FDR legacy. El Presidente has, I am sure, his hand picked audiences as always for the sound bytes.
4)   The good news is this: Dubyas last term in office (short of his tryinjg to get an ammendment passed to change that).

Amazing---a man who has run, I don't recall how many, busineses into the ground is advising the nation and urging it in financial matters.   Businesses that he has run into the ground include those that started out pretty solvent from people who involved him into the business.

Oh well, since he is the faith based guy he is perhaps he did not have the faith in those days---and now he does. So---does that mean that "faith" will guide our destiny? If the market fails I feel sorry for the people with "privatized Social In-Security". The Lawd was not lookin' out fo yah---my best Dubya accent.

Bill Hahn