The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77506   Message #1403964
Posted By: Bobert
09-Feb-05 - 08:58 PM
Thread Name: Getaway 2005 (14-17 Oct )
Subject: RE: Getaway 2005 (14-17 Oct )
Well, gol danged, Big ol' Mick...

You afraid of the womenz? Not me. "Why?", you ask... Well I'll tell ya why... Yeah, sure they is womenz and as womenz they have messed up wirin', right? But, hey, you can't hold that aginst 'um. You think that womenz wanta have messed up wirin'? Don't answer that too quick 'cause the proff is in the pudding' er something like that. Okay,truth be knowed, pudding has nuthin' to do with their messed up wirin'... Hey, they'z womenzm ain't they?

Got it yet, Mick?

But I will say one thing about Mudcat womenz...sniff... and I say this from thre bottom of my heart... They is all purdy, and inspite of their wiring situations, is some mighty fine peoples as well...

But, and this might be an important "but" here, Mick... Don't turn yer back on any of 'um if they are in possession of duct tape... No sir, don't do it an' yer prolly gonna be jus' fine...
