The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75811   Message #1404167
Posted By: Kaleea
10-Feb-05 - 02:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: For coughs & colds eat chocolate
Subject: RE: BS: For coughs & colds eat chocolate
**Don't do the booze if you have a throat irritation, as alcohol is very damaging to the vocal folds!

When nuclear disasters & other such bad radiation leaks happen, dark chocolate is usually handed out to the children, elderly, and those with compromised health until proper supplies can be sent in to the region. Is the ingredient, theobromine, what fights radiation poisioning?
    I recall that my pals in the anti-nuke movement who were always up on all the latest research (usually hidden from the public by the US gov't.) sometimes called me & told me to try to stay inside, & take Kelp pills or eat Chocolate-as dark as I could get-because a radioactive cloud was circling the globe releasing nuclear fallout, & when it would be over my region. Coincidentally, I always noticed that right away lots of people would have a "bug" & exhibit flu-like symptoms--which is symptomatic of "mild" radiation poisoning. I did not have those symptoms.