The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17063   Message #1404698
Posted By: GUEST,
10-Feb-05 - 12:06 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Ag Pleez Daddy (Jeremy Taylor)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Ag Pleez Daddy
Regerding Jeremy Taylor, I became enchanted with his songs when I saw "Wait a Minim" in Chicago in 1968. I learned his "Piece of Ground" and spent the next 32 years looking for anything about its author. I found Jeremy a few years ago on the web ( and corresponded with him. The upshot of all that is that I am helping him come to the US (Chicago area) for a number of appearances which I lined up for him. If anyone wants to know about these they may contact me. ( He'll be here in the month of March, 2005, very soon.
And if anyone wants music from "Wait a Minim: or "Minim Bili" it can be procurred from Andrew Tracey (Prof), International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa, 6140. Tel: +27-46-603.8557. His email is: Andrew Tracy with his brother Paul and Jeremy were the beginnings of the Wait a Minim epic, along with its producer Leon Gluckman. The show ran for 7 years on 4 continents. Spectacular. There is a webpage about the show at:

--Rich Ball, Oak Park, Illinois, usa